Working in Housing?

Part of the housing professions?

If you are a professional in housing and you share our vision and like our values then we want to work together to turn them into reality. This can be as simple as commenting on how our guidance can be better, or you can get involved in or initiate something more substantial. We are also looking for people who are prepared to support local projects - not to do professional work for free, but to help people take those early steps with confidence.

Working for a diocese or other Church organisation?

If you are working on housing for the Church, then we’d love to get to know you. There are projects and concepts we are working on to make your work more straightforward and effective. This is a place where you can meet others in similar roles and work together on shared problems.

Our Work

The Church Housing Foundation is in a start-up phase, but here’s a list of projects we’re working on or considering:

  • Early stage guidance and advice for local Churches looking to meet housing need; including models of delivery

  • Strategic frameworks and templates for diocese to adopt and use, to support effective long-term decision making

  • Translating the 5 values into practical steps for the built environment

  • Developing standardised packages and delivery options

  • A national housing strategy that will deliver high quality and affordable housing in the right numbers, in the right places, and in the right way

    Find out more about the Church Housing Foundation

Ways you can participate

Sign up to the mailing list, to hear about opportunities that may be of interest, events and outputs (but we won’t spam you!)

Get access to our advice, guidance and discussions and play your part

If you’re part of an organisation that shares our aims, we’d love to hear about how we might work together.