Meeting housing need in your local community

Why we, the Church, are responding

A good home provides a foundation for living on which to build. Where there is need for good homes, responding to that is part of our mission as a Church, and can help our other responses to need be more effective.

While there is a national response to the housing crisis, local Churches are where community relationships are built, making their involvement essential to creating solutions.

How we can make a difference

Sometimes our Church will have access to property and land, or other resources that are useful for building affordable homes. Using these resources can make a big difference, but there are other ways we can help with or without them. We can help our community share and develop a view of unmet needs, getting to know the people without access to good, stable, affordable housing. Based on that, we can work together to meet those needs.

There are three questions that can help us get started:

  1. What are the needs in our community?

  2. What are our priorities as a Church?

  3. What are the opportunities and constraints?

A small group within your Church who share a passion for meeting housing need can be a great seed for change. The process may start simply with praying, walking around your area, reflecting and discussing.

Who can we make a difference with?

Rushing into a detailed plan or project is to be avoided - instead, growing relationships and a shared vision can lead to a better and more widely supported plan. Involving those with lived experience of unmet housing needs, and discussing with the local community , can lead to a much better result.

Likewise, working in partnership is an empowering approach. Your local Council will have a great deal of information about local needs, local / neighbourhood plans and their own strategies. Other organisations will also have an interest in housing need, such as; charities, businesses, schools and colleges, GP surgeries, hospitals and other NHS organisations, and of course neighbouring Churches.

Approaching these organisations while holding lightly to your plans, ready to listen, you will find people with useful perspectives and the prospect of fruitful partnerships.

How can we help each other?

Getting involved in meeting housing need in your area means you’re part of the growing movement across the Church who are working to achieve the same goals.
You can join our community to get further advice and guidance - ask your questions, get put in touch with people nearby who may be able to help. You can also help others as they come along behind, building on your own experience.